Core Services

Small bath

  • Est. time: 1hr

Medium/large bath

  • Est time: 1hr

Small full service groom

  • Est time: 1hr, 30mins

Medium full service groom

  • Est time: 2hrs

Large full service groom

  • Est time: 2hrs, 30mins

Service Add-ons

The Works

  • Deep coat conditioner, nail grinding, teeth brushing

Mineral mud bath

  • Conditions, rehydrates and restores the coat. Provides essential minerals for a healthy skin and coat

Nail grinding

  • Gives a smoother finish to the nail than trimming

De-matting & extra brushing

$1per minute
  • Added on to base price for long coated or shedding dogs

Teeth brushing & breath spray

  • Enzymatic toothpaste that works with your pup’s saliva to break down tarter

Deep moisturizing conditioner

  • Restores moisture to the skin